Annual Assessment Cycle

Update for AY23: The University requirement for assessment projects and reports has been suspended during AY23. Professional/disciplinary accreditation requirements and their deadlines must still be met, but programs doing accreditation reports will not have the added task of submitting an 91探花 assessment report.  



All programs engage in annual assessment projects using their program learning outcomes.

At the end of these annual projects, each program needs to submit two documents to the Assessment Coordinator within their school/college.

The Assessment Coordinator then submits those documents to the University Assessment Committee (UAC), which is "charged with developing, recommending, and implementing the policies and practices governing the assessment of student learning at the University."  The UAC is a sub-committee of Academic Assembly.

Documents to Submit


Program faculty need to submit the below two documents annually to their Assessment Coordinator by the deadline set by their Assessment Coordinator.

(Note that this deadline needs to be approved by the UAC if it is any later than October 15th.)

  1. Assessment Report Template 2018-19 for prior year assessment activity.
  2. An updated assessment plan for all program learning outcomes - choose from the following options:

Need Assessment Support?

For support and guidance on how to plan, facilitate, and report on your program's annual assessment project, please review the  Assessment Report Review Rubric, reach out to your Assessment Coordinator, or email the University Assessment Committee directly at

Check out these documents generated by the University Assessment Committee:

Want to watch some 10min videos made by the UAC? Here are three! Enjoy!