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Fade Eadeh

Assistant Professor, Psychology



Fade Eadeh CV (PDF)

I was not really sure what I wanted to do when I made it to John Carroll University. I had many interests as a twenty-something. These ranged from sports, film, and robotics to social justice and politics. Although I was planning to go to law school as a psych and political science double major (probably to do human rights law), I took a course in social and personality psychology and was hooked. I was hooked by the idea that one could study questions on topics such as attitude change, stereotyping and prejudice, and impression formation. And I was especially excited to learn about an entire interdisciplinary subfield, political psychology, that combined my growing interests in political science and psychology. Research was the thing for me.

After graduating from John Carroll, I honed my research skills as a research coordinator at Duke University’s Interdisciplinary Initiative in Social Psychology, working under Professors Wendy Wood and Mark Leary. I then went on to earn my PhD in Social and Personality Psychology from Washington University with Alan Lambert, studying social and personality psychology. Since then, I completed two postdoctoral positions at Emory and Carnegie Mellon, before arriving at 91探花.

Teaching & Research Interests

I will be teaching several required courses in the major such as Introduction to Social Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods, and Organizational Psychology. In the future, I hope to teach courses in political psychology and emotions and decision making. My research focuses on the consequences of threat, justice seeking, and emotion within social and organizational psychology.

Recent Publications

1. Zhao†, M., Eadeh†, F. R. Nguyen, T. N. , Gupta, P., Gonzalez, C., Admoni, H, & Woolley, A. (2022). Teaching Agents to Understand Teamwork: Evaluating and Predicting Collective Intelligence as a Latent Variable via Hidden Markov Models. Computers in Human Behavior (invited revision).

2. Eadeh, F. R. & Chang, K. (2020). Can threat increase support for liberalism? New insights into the relationship between threat and political attitudes. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 88-96.

3. Trojan, J., Bonetto, et al. (2020: including Eadeh, F. R.). Positive associations between anomia and intentions to engage in political violence: Cross cultural evidence from four countries. Peace Psychology, 26, 217-223.

4. Lambert, A. J., Eadeh, F. R., & Hanson, E. J. (2019). Anger and its consequences for judgment and behavior: Recent developments in social and political psychology. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 59, 103-173.

5. Eadeh, F. R., Peak, S. A., & Lambert, A. J. (2017). The bittersweet taste of revenge: On the negative and positive consequences of retaliation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68, 27-39.

6. Lambert, A., Eadeh, F. R., Peak, S., Scherer, L., Schott, J.P. and Slochower, J. (2014). Towards a greater understanding of the emotional dynamics of the mortality salience manipulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 655-678.

7. Lambert, A., Peak, S., Eadeh, F. R. & Schott, J.P. (2014). How do you feel now? On the perceptual distortion of extremely recent changes in anger. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 82-95.