A silhouette of an eagle flying over a red background.

Leticia Guardiola-Saenz, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies
Associate Appointment, Theology and Religious Studies



  • 2009 Ph.D., New Testament, Vanderbilt University
    Dissertation: Jesus the Borderlander: a Hybrid Representation from the Gospel of John
  • 2001 M.A. in Religion, Vanderbilt University
  • 1992 M.Div, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • 1990 M.A.T.S. Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • 1987 B.A. Spanish Literature, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • 1983 B.B. Accounting, Tecnológico de Monterrey


  • Hispanic Theological Initiative, Dissertation Award
  • Fund for Theological Education, Doctoral Scholarship
  • Fund for Theological Education, M.Div. Scholarship
  • N.B.T.S., Faculty Scholarship for Outstanding Studies, M.A. GPA 4.0
  • Summa Cum Laude, M.A.T.S.
  • Magna cum Laude, B.B., B.A.

Teaching Experience:

  • 2008- Assistant Professor of Christian Scriptures, 91探花, WA
  • 2012 Intensive Course, Hispanic Summer Program – Seminario Evangélico, PR
  • 2010 Intensive Course, Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest, Austin, TX
  • 2009-11 Christian Scriptures Instructor, Deacon Formation Program, Archdiocese of Seattle
  • 2008 Intensive Course, LMU - Center for Religion and Spirituality - Los Angeles, CA
  • 2003-07 Assistant Professor of New Testament, Drew University, NJ
  • 2005 Intensive Course, Hispanic Summer Program- Fuller Theological Seminary, CA
  • 2004-05 Adjunct Professor, General Theological Seminary, NY
  • 2001-03 Orlando E. Costas Professor of Hispanic & Latin American Ministries & Assistant Professor of New Testament, Andover Newton Theological School, MA
  • 2000-01 New Testament Instructor, Vanderbilt University, TN
  • 1997 Intensive Course, Hispanic Summer Program - Mundelein Seminary, IL
  • 1990-91 Teaching Assistant, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, IL
  • 1985-86 Spanish Instructor, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
  • 1983-84 Accounting Instructor, Hidalgo Commercial Institute, Mexico


  • 1-2-3 John, Wisdom Commentary Series (to be published by Liturgical Press in 2016).
  • John's Gospel from Scratch (to be published by Westminster John Knox Press in 2015).
  • “Mujerista Criticism” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies (to be published by Oxford University Press, November 2014).
  • “Exegetical essays on Luke 19:41-48; Luke 20:1-8; and Luke 20:9-19” in Feasting on the Gospels--Luke, Volume 2: A Feasting on the Word Commentary (to be published by Westminster John Knox Press, November 2014)
  • "Latina/o Interpretation" in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation (Oxford University Press, 2013).
  • "Jude" in Newsom, Carol A. and Sharon H. Ringe, editors. The Women's Bible Commentary (Lousville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2012).
  • The Peoples Companion to the Bible. Co-editor with Curtiss De Young, Wilda Gafney, Tink Tinker, and Frank Yamada (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010).
  • The Peoples' Bible: New Revised Standard Version. Co-editor with Curtiss De Young, Wilda Gafney, Tink Tinker, and Frank Yamada (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2009).
  • "Scriptures," in Miguel de la Torre, Edwin Aponte (eds.) Handbook of Latina/o Theologies (St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press, 2006).
  • "Lesson 31: A People Set Apart" Script and Video for Disciple: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (Second Edition-Revised Videos 2005. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2005).
  • "María Magdalena: Apóstol a los apóstoles," in Ada María Isasi-Díaz, Timoteo Matovina, and Nina M. Torres-Vidal (eds.) Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús (Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress, 2002).
  • "Border-Crossing and its Redemptive Power in John 7:53--8:11: A Cultural Reading of Jesus and the Accused," revised version in Musa W. Dube and Jeffrey L. Staley (eds.) John and Post Colonialism: Travel, Space and Power (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002).
  • "Reading From Ourselves: Identity and Hermeneutics Among Mexican-American Feminists," in María Pilar Aquino, Daisy L. Machado, and Jeanette Rodríguez (eds.) A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2002).
  • "Minorities in the Midst of Affluence," in Sean Freyne and Ellen van Wolden (eds.) The Many Voices of The Bible - Concilium 2002/1, (London: SCM Press, 2002).
  • "Border-crossing and Its Redemptive Power in John 8:1-11: A Cultural Reading of Jesus and the Accused," in Ingrid R. Kitzberger (ed.) Transformative Encounters: Jesus and Women Re-viewed (Leiden: Brill, 1999).
  • "Borderless Women and Borderless Texts: A Cultural Reading of Matthew 15:21-28," in Katharine D. Sakenfeld, Sharon Ringe, and Phyllis Bird (eds.) Reading the Bible as Women: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, and Latin America - Semeia 78 (Atlanta: Scholar Press, 1997).

Professional Memberships:

  • American Academy of Religion
  • Association for the Hispanic Theological Education
  • Latinas in Theology
  • Society of Biblical Literature