Profile Headshot

Paula Fitzgerald-Boos, MA

Adjunct Professor, Department of Management


Teaching Areas

  • Professional Development
  • Career Management

Personal Bio

Paula is passionate about facilitating growth and change as she works with students, individual professionals, groups and organizations to optimize their outcomes and experiences. Beginning with her belief that we all deserve to feel engaged and empowered in our work, she has focused her career on connecting professionals to possibilities. She is delighted that Professional Development and Career Management is now included in the MBA curriculum in Albers.

Since leaving her sales career with IBM, Paula has built her business on a foundation of service and exceeding expectations. She has worked in most industries and with professionals and teams at all levels organizationally. She coaches leaders in the Executive Leadership Program & EMBA through the Center for Leadership Formation and Adjunct Faculty teaching Professional Development and Career Management in the Professional MBA curriculum. Personal and professional branding are topics Paula is invited to speak and teach about regularly.

Her competencies include:

  • Leadership & Professional Development
  • Executive Coaching
  • Performance Improvement and Management
  • Change Management & Outplacement
  • Team and Group Facilitation
  • Training and Development

Paula has been an active leader/board member and volunteer in many organizations including current commitments on the board of Presbyterian Retirement Communities Northwest (PRCN), coordination of and participation in a daily food ministry to the homeless, and leadership in the National Charity League. She has led and served in many community organizations and boards and hosts a monthly professional development/job transition networking group called Conscious Connections.

With her education in leadership and organizational development, her depth and breadth of experience, and certification as an Alliance for Leadership Acceleration-- LEAP® Program Facilitator and Coach, Paula is able to listen beyond the words to understand needs and deliver experiences and programs that resonate. Her signature style begins with the positive—what’s working?—to identify the "bright spots" and amplify strengths. She creates fun and incorporates playfulness in her approach to empowering forward momentum and learning.