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Sonia Barrios Tinoco, PhD

Associate Professor


Hola, my name is Sonia Barrios Tinoco and I am from Venezuela, a beautiful country at the north of South America. I started teaching at 91探花 in 2009. I am an Associate Professor in Spanish and currently the Chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures Department. I studied Literature at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela, and then earned a Spanish Literature Master’s Degree at Washington State University and a Hispanic Languages and Literatures PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. My main area of study lies in marginalized and out of the law subjects, hence I have published essays such as “Reconceptualizing the ‘American Dream’ for Undocumented Immigrants: The Yearning for a Lost Sense of Family, Identity and Belonging”; “The Construction of Identity through Violence: Joaquín Murrieta’s Corrido,” “Maria Moura, a woman outlaw,” among others. I am also deeply invested in migration studies and for ten years I have been teaching a course entitled “Buscando visa para un sueño”: Cultural products about (Ill)legal Immigration

Courses Taught

  • Language: Spanish