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Thomas K. Pool, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor


I am an aquatic ecologist interested in using a combination of experimental studies, field-based surveys, and trophic analysis to explore patterns in both freshwater and marine environments.


  • 2015 - Postdoc University of Washington
  • 2013 - Postdoc Paul Sabatier University in France
  • 2012 - PhD University of Washington
  • 2002 - Masters Degree James Cook University Australia
  • 1999 - Biology and Education Degrees from Kalamazoo College


  • 2020 Holtgrieve, G., T.K. Pool, B. Miller and M. Vlah. The flood-pulse concept revisited: A review of river structure and functioning.
  • 2020 Noufi, C., G. Holtgrieve, and T.K. Pool. Drivers of trophic position plasticity for fishes within flood-pulse systems.
  • 2020 Ratha, C., Grenouillet, G., T.K. Pool. Spatiotemporal dynamics of fish community structure in a flood-pulsed tropical lake
    ecosystem (Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia). Hydrobiologia.
  • 2020 Larson, E.R. and T.K. Pool. Global crayfish homogenization. Hydrobiologia.
  • 2019 McCreesh, R.K., Fox-Dobbs, K., Wimberger, P., Woodruff, K., Holtgrieve, G. and T.K. Pool. Reintroduced beavers rapidly
    influence the storage and biogeochemistry of sediments in headwater streams (Methow River, WA). Northwest Science.
  • 2019 Tudesque, L., Pool, T.K., and M. Chevalier. Planktonic diatom community dynamics in a tropical flood-pulse lake: the Tonle Sap (Cambodia). Diatom Research, published online: 25 Mar 2019.
  • 2019 McMeans, B.C., Pool, T.K., et al. Consumer trophic positions respond variably to seasonally fluctuating environments. Ecology, 100, e02570.
  • 2018 Pool, T.K., et al. Fish assemblage composition within the floodplain habitat mosaic of a tropical lake (Tonle Sap, Cambodia).
    Freshwater Biology.
  • 2017 Pool, T.K., T. Phanara, C. Phen and G. Holtgrieve. Seasonal niche plasticity of fishes within a flood-pulse ecosystem (Tonle Sap
    Lake, Cambodia). Ecosphere, 8 (7), 1-15.
  • 2016 Pool, T.K., J. Cucherousset, S. Villeger, A.L. Strecker and G. Grenouillet. Increased taxonomic and functional similarity does not
    increase communities’ trophic similarity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 1-9.
  • 2015 Pool, T.K. and J.D. Olden. Fine-scale flow alteration impacts of a dam on native fishes of conservation concern in the Bill
    Williams River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 24, 56-66.
  • 2015 Zhao, T., G. Grenouillet, T.K. Pool, L. Tudesque and J. Cucherousset. Environmental determinants of fish community structure
    in gravel pit lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 25, 1-10.
  • 2014 Pool, T.K., G. Grenouillet and S. Villeger. Species contribute differently to the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic alpha
    and beta diversity of freshwater fish communities. Diversity and Distributions, 20, 1235-1244.
  • 2013 Pool, T.K., S. Luis and J.D. Olden. Assessing the lethal dissolved oxygen tolerance for an invasive tunicate (Ciona
    Savignyi) to support eradication efforts in Puget Sound. Northwest Science, 87, 106-113.
  • 2013 Pool, T.K., A.L. Strecker and J.D. Olden. Identifying Preservation and Restoration Priority Areas for Desert Fishes in an
    Increasingly Invaded World. Environmental Management, 51, 631-641.
  • 2012 Pool, T.K. and J.D. Olden. Taxonomic and functional homogenization of a globally endemic desert fish fauna. Diversity and
    Distributions, 18, 366-376.
  • 2011 Lawrence, D.J., J.D. Olden, M.C. Mims, T.K. Pool, and E.R. Larson. National parks as protected areas for U.S. freshwater fish
    diversity. Conservation Letters, 4, 364-371.
  • 2010 Pool, T.K., J.D. Olden, J.B. Whittier, and C.P. Paukert. Environmental drivers of fish functional diversity and composition in the
    Lower Colorado River Basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67, 1791-1807.
  • 2004 Floerl, O., T.K. Pool, and G.J. Inglis. Positive interactions between non-indigenous species facilitate transport by human
    vectors. Ecological Applications, 14, 1724-1736.