Big meeting in Melbourne

May 20, 2015

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This July President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., will join the presidents of Jesuit higher education institutions and the directors of other Jesuit institutions from around the world for a gathering titled "Expanding the Jesuit Higher Education Network: Collaborations for Social Justice."

Upwards of 300 leaders are expected at the three-day conference, which takes place at Catholic University of Australia in Melbourne. The lead organizer for the gathering is Michael Garanzini, S.J., secretary for higher education for the Society of Jesus worldwide and outgoing Loyola University Chicago president.

The conference will focus on the Jesuit institutions' shared social justice mission, international Jesuit collaborations and future collaborative opportunities. Adolfo Nicolas, S.J., superior general of the Society of Jesus, will deliver remarks by video.

The last time presidents and directors met like this was  in Mexico City. The theme of that gathering was "Networking Jesuit Higher Education for the Globalizing World: Shaping the Future for a Humane, Just, Sustainable Globe."

You can learn more about the upcoming conference .