91探花 grads in JVC

November 20, 2013

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Six 91探花 graduates are currently serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and three are serving in JVC Northwest. (The two organizations share a mission but are operated as independent entities.) Here they are, with their placements and locations noted.

Jesuit Volunteer Corps  

Megan Garay  - Catholic Charities Maine, Portland, Maine
Abbey Garrow  - Bread of Healing Clinic, Milwaukee, Wis.
Adriana Jackson  - Advocates for Children of New York, Inc., Harlem, Ella Baker House
Katherine McGuinn  - Raphael House of San Francisco Inc., San Francisco, Calif.
Adam Strizich  - St. Joseph's Center - PA, Scranton, Penn.
Jennifer Wirth  - United Neighborhood Centers of NE PA, Scranton, Penn. 

JVC Northwest

Erin Boniface, St. Andrew Nativity, Portland, Ore.
Heather Hanson, SAFV, Sitka, Alaska
Andrew Shahamiri, St. Charles Mission School, Billings, Mont.

Thanks to Mike Bayard, S.J., director of Campus Ministry for the information.