Campus Community

St. Ignatius Feast Day Celebration

July 23, 2020

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Father Arturo Araujo, rector of the Arrupe Jesuit Community, extends the following invitation to the 91探花 Community: 

As a Jesuit university, we enjoy celebrating St. Ignatius Day every July 31. In past years we have held a morning coffee open house at Arrupe House for the campus, and we have celebrated 12:30 Mass together at the Chapel of St. Ignatius.

颅As with so much else this summer, while we are not able to gather with you in person, we invite you to join in an online celebration with the other Jesuit apostolates in Seattle/Tacoma from 11 a.m. to noon on Friday, July 31, using this link:

We look forward to celebrating with you on July 31.