Indulge your inner pilgrim

October 22, 2013

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Faculty and staff are encouraged to take an Ignatian pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome over spring break (March 20-30, 2014). Sponsored by Mission and Ministry and the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life program, the pilgrimage will be led by 91探花's own Pat O'Leary, S.J., and Natch Ohno, S.J., as well as Gennyn Dennison of SEEL. The experience is a timely opportunity to reflect on the Ignatian and Franciscan foundations that are at the heart of Pope Francis' spirituality.

Here's what some past "pilgrims" have said about their experiences: 

 "I am not sure what I expected from this pilgrimage, traveling in the footsteps of Ignatius of Loyola. However, I do know that the pilgrimage was just what I needed at this time. For me, this pilgrimage was about my interior life; coming to a clearer awareness of myself: what I need, what I want, what I can do. I understand why Ignatius needed solitude to contemplate and discern AND why he needed companions to discuss with and reflect on his thoughts and actions. I am so grateful to have participated in this pilgrimage, at the sites where Ignatius was, and to have been in the company of a very special group of pilgrims.
- A pilgrim to Spain

"I have returned to the hectic life back home with little time to reflect on our days in Rome. I do carry with me the awe I felt in the first few days, the serenity of being in St. Ignatius' rooms, and the conversations I had with my fellow pilgrims. It was a gift to be a part of this group. I honestly don't know how to express the change I feel inside, it is a new awareness that wasn't there before. I do know there will be changes for me in time and for now I'm trying to find more time to pray. I am grateful to be standing before an open door that is welcoming my first steps.
- A pilgrim to Assisi and Rome  

"What a great pilgrimage!  I thought I understood some of what Ignatius was saying but I realize now that it had been in 'black and white.' Now it is in vibrant color! I so enjoyed sharing the common element of Ignatian spirituality with everyone."
- A pilgrim to Spain