TerminalFour Training

TerminalFour is a content management system (CMS) that allows lots of users to create and edit parts of Seattleu.edu. It鈥檚 a web-based program that uses a series of templates and options, so those with limited/no experience editing websites can update their department or center鈥檚 site with ease.


All users must be approved to edit their websites before logging into T4. For access to TerminalFour, please submit a request form to the Web Team. For questions about T4, please contact the Web Team at web@seattleu.edu.

Tips Before Beginning

  • T4 can be accessed from any web browser (though Internet Explorer users may experience performance issues, so we recommend Chrome or Firefox).
  • T4 doesn鈥檛 save data unless told to, so remember to select ADD, UPDATE, or SAVE often.
  • Avoid using the browser navigation (e.g., back/forward buttons) 鈥 click on the site structure (top right corner) or cancel buttons instead.

Web Standards

The editors of Seattleu.edu are made up of web specialists, faculty, staff, and students. The content editors of each department, college, or center are responsible for creating, updating, and removing content on their respective website(s).

When updating the site, always think about how it will meet the needs of its audiences: Students, prospective students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni.

We've created templates within T4 so that Seattleu.edu will give these audiences a consistently great web experience.

If you're new to writing for the web, check out our content guidelines and web writing guide to guide you. In general:

  • Organize content into short chunks that are easy to scan
  • Utilize lists and consistent headlines to break up the page
  • Put information in content rather than in a pdf, wherever possible
  • Above all else: Keep information up-to-date and correct!

TerminalFour Training

Resources for using 91探花's web content management system

Information on working with the university's content management system, TerminalFour including getting started, how to's, content types and page layouts.